Signifed- The image or the meaning of an idea, going back to the example of the word rose, this may not be related to the flower but, it could mean someone is called Rose. When someone gives a person a rose it is a sign of affection.
Signifer- The signifer can not the be tired down to any specific thing. It can be a word or an image that signifys something e.g. the word rose. This makes people think of the flower.
Denotation- What you see e.g. a woman and child.
Connotation- What you preseve to be presented. e.g. You could assume that a woman and child are mother and daughter but, that will not always be the case.
Fairy liquid advert 1960/70
In the 1960/70s adverts there is are three elements that stay the same: a woman doing the dashes, a child and the mild green Fairy Liquid bottle. The denotation is is woman washing up. The connotation is this stereotype that the woman is the home make and does the washing up. It also implies that women are slightly vain because they always remark on how soft their hands feel whilst using Fairy liquid. this links in with Levi Stauss's theory that stories can sometimes influence your opinions and believes. We see a woman washing up and within in second thought we think that this is the norm. There is always a child present, most likely the daughter. This may show that the daughter would one day be doing the same thing. Over the years that has changed so that the father and son are present to show balance in the family home. The father would not usually be present because you would automatically assume that he is at work.
The advert has no celebrity endorsement, it featured the everyday man, or woman in this case. It makes sense to feature ordinary working class people because they are the target audience. Using a celebrity to inspire people to buy the buy is not a crazy idea, but it seemed to make a more personal appeal to the audience to use the everyman (or woman).

In both the 1960/70s and the 2015 advert, the mum is seen as the hero because she is using Fairy to fight tough stains on the plates and pans. There is some form of equilibrium in that there were clean plates but, then the disequilibrium is there they get dirty. The realisation is that the mum used diary to get the dirt off; then there is a new equilibrim because the plates are now clean again. In the 1960/70s the message of the advert did not change, use fairy and you can keep your hands soft, whilist making your dishes sparkly clean.
As time went on the advertises notices that people started to get more money conscience. The adverts started to change to make people think that one product was cheaper than another or a certain product would last longer. Fairy took the chance to persuade people that there product would last longer that their competitors. So the hero would be Fairy because it is save people money and lasts a very long time and you would not need to buy Fairy liquid as often.
Fairy liquid advert 2015

The son telling his dad that he wants to make a space ship out of the bottle. This shows the creativity and curiouslity of young children. It could be questioned as to why a girl would not want to do the same thing. It is a sterotypical idea that girls play with dolls and boys play with spaceships. This that suggests that the boy would be interested in engining and the girl may be interested in fashion. It is quite strange that all the fairy adverts feature the typical nuclear family. It is always a family themed advert and it does not show single mums (or dads), couples without children or person living on their own.
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