Tuesday 29 November 2016

Hypodermic needle theory (U6.3)

Hypodermic needle model

Created in the 1930s and it was also called the magic bullet theory.
 It suggests that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. It effected how people were/are influence. Another way of perceiving this theory is like a baby being spoon fed.
Image result for syringeRelated image
Image reference: http://knowyourmeme.com/forums/just-for-fun/topics/18178-last-letter-to-first-letter-nintendo-version
The media gave a message to people and they soaked it up like a sponge. The media had no concern for people views or moral compass. The audience were passive and did not question the information being given to them. There were limited media resources so people could not conduct further research into the information they were given. The audience was not specified and they had no input in what the media released.
Image reference: http://home.howstuffworks.com/home-improvement/household-hints-tips/cleaning-organizing/can-you-disinfect-kitchen-sponges.htm
If you asked a group of people if they liked strawberries, they may say yes or no. If those people said they liked strawberries then you would assume that everybody likes them.
Then and Now
In the 1930's people would have limited media resources, if they heard a news story on the radio, they then could not look up the same information on the internet to verify the truth of the story. 

Now in this detail age, there are more ways to access the news, if we hear a news story on the radio we can we check the internet to double check if the story is true. There are products that are targeted at specific groups of people instead of the masses. There is a breakdown of different social classes and people are likely to argue against the media with their own opinions.

  • The media can deceive the mass audience
  • Giving false information
  • Not everyone is susceptible
  • Ignores people's free will
  • No concern for a person's moral compass
  • The media can edit a news story to their preference
  • This theory ignores individuality
  • We create our own social bubbles (surrounding ourselves with what we like)


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